I figured out early on that Lucy would rather wait in the car than stay at home. She wants to be with me more than any other being on the planet. Maybe I am naive when it comes to dogs, but the look on her face kills me when I leave her home. So if it is not too hot, I take her everywhere.
So one Sunday morning I went to a small church. Lucy was out in my car. After I went in and sat down, she started barking. Now mind you, the only time she barks is when she can’t see me. After a moment of silent prayer, (me praying for her to stop barking) I got out of my seat to go talk her into being quiet. The usher at the back told me to just bring her in. I couldn’t do that! Church was a solemn place, no place for a dog whose master didn’t have it under control. I went outside, talked to her and she quieted. Until I went back in and sat down. It was loud and obnoxious to me. I was ashamed and embarrassed. What was I going to do, the church was small, everybody could hear her. After a few moments, she normally stops, but this time she didn’t. I got up to leave, and the speaker said, “bring it in”, and the usher said the same thing. I love this dog, so I brought her in. I am sure that most children are louder than Lucy was, and now she is a fixture. I think they love her more than me. And I don’t blame them, she is adorable. So here she is off leash, behaving impeccably at church.