Shine ON

The best way for me to honor Lucy is to be like Lucy was. Looking for….
One View On Love

I love the movie A Dog’s Journey. The story about a beloved dog that reincarnates several times until it gets back to the owner that it loved more than any other. It resonated with me on many levels.
Security, Peace, Conviction

My girl never could be bribed. That is why I will always miss her.
Help me with the rewrite!!! It is a great story!

What is Fear?

Then I recently read Matthew 10:28. It tells me what to fear, and Lucy and I were not afraid of death.
There is Redemption

1. I have lied, but I am not a liar
2. I have been afraid, but I am not a coward
3. I have experienced failure, but I am not a failure
4. I have been battered and bruised,….
Trust is Earned!!!

Trust takes time. I had a dog that cared more about trust than any human being I have ever been with. She let me know who she was. She let me know what she expected. She also let me know that she loved me. She let me know she loved others. Smiles were her goal every day. She loved….
Reminders of Intelligence and Social

When I first took Lucy home, I was going to be the iron fist training my dog. I read books, articles and talked to every dog person about how to handle a dog. I was going…..
My Dog Was Perfect….For Me

I was reading my Bible recently and came across a verse that reminded me of Lucy. I remembered this picture. I saw this look…..
We Keep Moving Forward

Why do we keep moving forward?
Because we have Faith
Because we have Hope
Because we LOVE TASKS
Because we……